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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Trying to reach my full potential as a masters runner

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Planning for the next challenge

This week I've felt a bit lost. After 10 weeks of some intense training and focusing on a specific goal, the last five days have been a bit strange. No speed work, no tempo runs, no real focus.

I suppose I should be thankful and appreciate the down-time that will allow my body a chance to recover and rest. I know it's important after a race to take time to recuperate before jumping back into training for another race, but  it's difficult not having something to train for....to just run.

I'm eager to get back at it and set my sights on a new race goal.

With the NYC Marathon about 10 months away, I won't start training for that race until August. Between now and then I've I developed a race schedule of approximately 10 races that includes a mix of 5k, 10k and half marathons intended to increase my speed and help get me ready for a new marathon PR in NYC.

I met with my coach Ian yesterday to review the race schedule and discuss goals for each. He agreed with the race distances I had chosen and the timing of each. He intends to set goals on a race by race basis and based on my conditioning level at that time.

For example, my next race is a 5k here in Ottawa February 20th. Next Wednesday at the track session Ian has scheduled for me, he'll set interval paces based on a 19:55 race goal time. Then based on how I execute those intervals, he'll decide what my goal time should be and develop a training plan accordingly.

I'm looking forward to the challenge of training and setting new PRs. And I couldn't help asking what Ian thought my goal time should be for NYC. A sub 3 hour and 10 minute marathon was his response. Why did I ask?

Have a great weekend!

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