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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Trying to reach my full potential as a masters runner

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


With less than three weeks to go until race day, this week will likely be the toughest yet in terms of intensity and mileage.

Based on today's 13k tempo run, it could be a killer!

As usual, it started out easy enough with a 2k warm-up at 5:15 per km. Then I had to complete 2 repeats of 3.5k at 4:05, followed by 1k at 4:15. I knew it would be a tough run and I compounded the difficulty by consuming too much red wine last night at Ian's party and not getting enough sleep.

Interestingly, Ian kept topping up my glass every chance he got...maybe he was testing me...if he was, I failed miserably!

Anyway the first 3.5k interval felt good, challenging, but not exhausting and I was able to recover over the ensuing, slower paced 1k interval, before ramping it back up to 4:05 for 3.5k. I felt strong for the about the first 500m of the second interval, then it was as if my legs turned to stone! They felt stiff and heavy. I began gasping for air and had to consciously slow my breathing down by taking deep, long breaths in through my nose and exhaling slowly through my mouth.

I also had to focus and convince myself I could do it....I wasn't going to let the f'n treadmill defeat me. It was a tough run mentally and physically. But I made it and hit all my paces.

And while I feel tired now, I know today's run will pay divide-ends during the half marathon January 15th.

The rest of this week looks challenging, but I'm focused and ready to go!

1 comment:

  1. Yep my 7K seemed like a walk in the park as I listened to you huffing and puffing! It was good to see the master in action!
