About Me

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Trying to reach my full potential as a masters runner

Sunday, February 20, 2011

5k race

Well I didn't set a PR or even break 20 minutes, but it was close....20:03!

It was windy and cold, somewhere around -20C factoring in the wind-chill. The first 800m or so was uphill and directly into the wind. By the 1k point my hands were numb and I couldn't feel my legs or feet. It was no fun.

By the 3k point my lungs were burning and I was questioning why I had gotten up at 5am on a Sunday morning to come out here and put myself through this. But it was too late to change my mind at that point, so I pushed on.

As I rounded the final turn I was happy to see the finish line, but not to see the clock showing 19:55. I gave it all I had, but just couldn't get in under 20 minutes. No doubt the weather conditions were a factor in my race results. But I was able to finish 4th overall and 1st in my age group.

So I'm two for two in 2011 in my age group...I hope I can keep it going!


  1. That's a great time, regardless! Congrats on the win. :) Just think, for next time, all you have to do is knock off 4 seconds and there's a 19-minute 5k!

  2. Thanks Kari. Yeah I'm sure my next 5k will be faster.
