So for anyone who has checked my blog recently, you'll know I haven't posted anything in looooong time! Since the end of June to be exact.
A variety of things and excuses have gotten in the way of me writing things, but mainly, it's been due to my frustration with a nagging hamstring injury. I really haven't had anything positive or new to write the last few months.
It's been a struggle, but things are looking up recently. With less than two weeks to NYC, my hamstring feels as good as it has since the half marathon in Georgia in January where I qualified for NYC by one second.
Lots of massage therapy and adjusting my training schedule have me in a position where I should be able to run a PR...although not as fast as I had hoped.
So my goal is to run somewhere under 3:24 and if the stars align and I'm feeling strong I'll try for a sub 3:20 time.
As they say, "If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere!"